GermanTechSat, Inc. (“GermanTechSat”) respects the privacy of its users and recognizes the importance of providing a secure environment for them. We know that you care how information about you is used and shared. This privacy policy describes how we collect, store, and use the information you provide to us. You should carefully review this privacy policy before using this website or services provided through this website. This privacy policy applies only to information collected through this website and not to any information collected from us or through us offline. Please note that, when you link to other websites from this website, this privacy policy does not apply to, and cannot control the activities on, those other sites. Please check those websites for their own privacy policies.

You should carefully review this privacy policy before using this website. By so using this website or taking advantage of any service accessed through this website, you signify your assent to this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this privacy policy, please do not use this website or our services accessed through it. This privacy policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically to ensure that you are aware of any changes. Your continued use of this website will signify your acceptance of those changes.


We collect information from you when you register on this website, join Club Blue, respond to a survey or to a communication such as an email, or use other services on this website. We store that information ourselves or by the use of third parties under contract with us. Those other services may include, for example, the creation of a profile page, participation in forums or the provision of facilities to permit you to post media content such as images and text.

Some of the information that we collect from you is defined as personally identifiable information about an individual, as more particularly described under applicable privacy laws (“Personal Information”). Personal Information may include, without limitation: your name, age, mailing address, email address, telephone number, credit card information and related financial information, information concerning your interests, occupation, product uses and preferences, and other demographic information that could help identify you. If you have set up an account that is password protected in order to play online games, to purchase goods or for any other purpose for which a password is needed, that password is also part of your Personal Information. It may be possible to use portions of this website without providing any Personal Information, but it may be necessary to provide Personal Information to utilize all features of this website.


For some activities, your web browser or client software may transmit certain geographic information or information regarding your computer to GermanTechSat. GermanTechSat may use that information to generate aggregate statistics about our user community and may provide that information to advertisers and other parties with whom we have a business relationship. In addition, GermanTechSat may use any such information for security, system integrity (the prevention of hacking, cheating and other improper or unlawful activities), or enforcement purposes.

GermanTechSat may also identify and track your Internet protocol (“IP”) address. An IP address is a unique number assigned to your server or internet service provider (“ISP”). GermanTechSat may track those IP addresses for system administration purposes, to report aggregate information, site tracking, security purposes, or to prevent our data and servers from being damaged.

When you visit this website, we may, at our option, automatically collect and store the following types of non-personally identifiable information received from you: (i) information from server logs found on your browser; (ii) click-through statistics; (iii) your country; (iv) the type of web browser you are using to access this website; (v) the type of operating system you are using; (vi) the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet; (vii) the date and time you access this website and the duration of your visit; and (viii) the Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to this website. Automatically collected information of that kind typically provides us with a greater understanding regarding the use of this website, including which pages are the most popular with our visitors. That information also allows us to determine if this website is working properly and to make changes to the website that allows users to have better experiences on the website. We collect that information and track it for statistical purposes; we do not use it to identify or to market to a particular user.

This website is not intended for children. We do not knowingly collect, use or disclose Personal Information about visitors under 13 years of age. For more information please see Section 11, What About Children, below.


GermanTechSat has taken reasonable steps to provide that all Personal Information collected by us through this website will remain secure. For example, for credit card information that is transmitted to us, we use industry-standard, SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption. In addition, we take reasonable steps to require that third parties to whom we transfer any data will provide sufficient protection of Personal Information received from us.

You can help us to protect your Personal Information by (i) using a secure web browser; (ii) not sharing any password or log-in data with others; and (ii) changing your password frequently.


The Personal Information you provide to GermanTechSat will allow us to do the following: (i) fulfill your orders for goods and services; (ii) alert you of new products or services, features, updates, and enhancements; (iii) handle your customer service or technical support questions or issues; (iv) personalize your experience while using our services; (v) deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested; and (vi) notify you of upgrade opportunities, contests, promotions, or special events and offers. We may enhance or merge the Personal Information collected at a GermanTechSat website with data provided to us by others.

We do not sell, rent, license, trade or exchange Personal Information with or to any third parties, except as otherwise provided in this privacy policy.

We may share your Personal Information among our affiliates worldwide. They may use your Personal Information to offer products and services to you consistent with the purposes identified in this privacy policy. We may use your Personal Information for internal marketing, profiling or demographic purposes, so we can adapt our products and services, the better to suit your anticipated needs.


A cookie is a small bit of computer code that we send to your computer and is stored on your hard drive. It allows a website to transfer bits of information to your computer for record-keeping purposes. A cookie stored on your computer can be used to “remember” specific data items such as your password or operational information, such as the fact that you have already subscribed to the full version of a particular online game. That allows us to speed up your future activities, saving the time you would normally spend entering information such as your password or subscription information. In addition, GermanTechSat may use cookies to retrieve user information for promotional, marketing, or security purposes.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your anonymized IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

You can prevent Google from detecting a cookie that is generated because of and related to your usage of this website (including your IP address) as well as processing of these data by downloading and installing this browser plugin:


GermanTechSat may need to disclose items of your Personal Information to third-party vendors to fulfill product orders or prizes, to process mailings, or to process, analyze, or store data on GermanTechSat’s behalf. Those third parties are not authorized by GermanTechSat to use or disclose your Personal Information for any purpose other than for use in connection with the provision of services designated by us or the delivery and processing of orders for goods. We will take reasonable measures to have those third parties maintain the confidentiality, security, and integrity of the Personal Information they obtain from us.

We reserve the right to disclose your Personal Information as required or permitted by law. For example, we may disclose it to respond to a subpoena, court order or another legal process, or in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing Personal Information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against you if we reasonably believe that you may be violating your agreements with us (including, without limitation, any applicable terms of use), or may be causing injury to, or interference with, GermanTechSat, any other user of this website or any service, the general public or other third parties. You may be asked whether you wish to receive information from third parties; upon your consent, GermanTechSat or those third parties may use your Personal Information to contact you. However, please be aware that GermanTechSat cannot control the activities of third parties to whom we provide data; we, therefore, cannot guarantee that they will adhere to similar privacy and security procedures as GermanTechSat.


The Personal Information you provide to GermanTechSat may be transferred as an asset in connection a merger or sale involving all or part of GermanTechSat or as part of a corporate reorganization, stock sale or other change of control.

As part of its business operations, GermanTechSat may transfer Personal Information to recipients in countries that do not provide the same level of legal data protection as the country from which you access our website or services. By using GermanTechSat’s website or services, you consent to the transfer of Personal Information and to the processing by GermanTechSat of that Personal Information.


When you are asked for information while on this website, you are sharing that information with GermanTechSat, its parent, and its various affiliates and sister companies, unless specifically stated otherwise. As a result of that sharing, you may receive communications from any of those GermanTechSat affiliates. In addition, some services offered by GermanTechSat through this website are provided in conjunction with third parties with which GermanTechSat has a business relationship. If your Personal Information is being collected by a company other than GermanTechSat, you will be so notified at the time that the process for the collection of that Personal Information is initiated. If you do not want to have your Personal Information so shared, please do not elect to use the service or facility for which that Personal Information is collected.


At the time you provide personal information, GermanTechSat will give you the option of declining any future offers or information about new products, promotions, or services. In addition, many of the messages that GermanTechSat may send you, such as electronic newsletters, have procedures within them to cancel the receipt of similar information in the future or later editions. You may also be given the opportunity to “opt out” of certain features or functions.
